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Payment Page-NCHRA Membership - 2018-19 (Reg - rewnewal)

    Thank you for joining NCHRA a SHRM affiliate chapter! To complete the process please select the Add To Cart button for the membership you purchased and you will be redirected to our secure payment site.  Once we receive payment confirmation, we will activate your profile and please allow 24-48 hours for this process and verification of payment.

    Once complete, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with e-mail instructions on "how to set-up your account" information and more. 

    Renewal Period 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2019

    Thank you for registering with NCHRA a local SHRM affiliate chapter.  Your membership will be activated within 24-48 hours and verification of payment. 

    Please check out our website or our FaceBook page: NOCOHRA


    Standard Membership: (Membership only)

    SHRM Members - 2018/2019 Renewal ($85 - prorated to $21.25 if joining today)


    Non-SHRM Members - 2018/2019 Renewal ($115 - prorated to $28.75 if joining today)


    Premium Membership: (Includes Membership and Luncheons):

    SHRM Members - 2018/2019 Renewal ($310 - prorated to $77.50 if joining today)


    Non-SHRM Members - 2018/2019 Renewal ($340 - prorated to $85.00 if joining today)