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Job Opening: NoCoHRA Board of Directors

    NoCoHRA is looking for people to join our Board! We have opportunities for you to support your fellow HR professionals by becoming a Board member and/or joining a committee or otherwise volunteering to help. Volunteering as a Board member or otherwise helping from time to time is a great way to expand your network, grow your knowledge, and contribute to NoCoHRA's success!

    Board roles are available for the following areas:

    • SHRM Foundation Chair: responsible to educate, promote, and represent the interests of the SHRM Foundation and its activities to the chapter membership.
    • Legislative Chair: responsible to monitor and evaluate pending legislative, regulartory and legal action at the federal, state, and local level that may have an impact on the  management of humanr resources; provide updates to the chapter membership.

    Please contact any Board member, send an email to, and/or complete an application form if you are interested in any of these roles.

    If you want to support the chapter; however, do not believe you have time to fulfill a Board role, we have other volunteer opportunities that come available throughout the year. Here are a few examples:

    • Conference [or other event] Committee: help us plan our next conference, or other event, by joining a committee, such as communication/marketing, finding speakers, getting speaker gifts, confiming sponsors, or coordinating volunteers.
    • Professional Development: help us find sponsors for meetings, contacting potential speakers, or registering people for events.
    • Miscellaneous: help us with various things such as gathering and tallying meeting surveys, speaking at an event (such as with student chapters), or raising awareness.

    Please contact any Board member  or send an email to if you're interesting in helping out the Chapter from time to time.