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Clone of Marketing Request Form

    We kindly request your attention to time and energy resources needed to support our marketing initiatives. These efforts are interdependent across various systems and can often be exhaustive. In light of this, we ask for ample notice to enable effective coordination among the team. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

    Please answer the following questions:

    • Who is the event for? 

    • What is the event? 

    • Where is the event?

    • When is the event? 

    • Why are we having the event?

    • Content is powerful provide a reasoning why we are having this event or need for this marketing?

    • Do you need social media posts? If so how often every week? 

    • Do you need an email campaign? If so how often would you like to see emails about this event? 

    • Do you have photos to add from previous events?

    Enter either the specific date or quantity of weeks you wish for the email to be sent.
    Specify posting needed: Broadcast, Email, News Page, etc..
    If you're requesting an email be sent out, would you like it to be distributed to members, non-members or both?
    Specify posting needed: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
    Specify where the information should be posted on the NCHRA page:
    This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.