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2020 Biennial Conference - The Evolution of HR!


    2020 Biennial Conference - Evolution of HR

    Join us for a day of learning, growth and networking at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, Colorado on Friday, April 24, 2020.

    The conference will focus on growing HR excellence by bringing HR professionals and company leaders together to learn from excellent speakers on current HR topics, with an opportunity to gain  SHRM & HRCI recertification credits (approved for 5.25 credits).

    This is a great opportunity to meet local and national exhibitors focusing on services just for the HR field. NCHRA has some outstanding sponsors!

    Click here to register

    Keynote Just Announced!


    Judson Laipply, from the Youtube sensation, the Evolution of Dance, will deliver the keynote in the 2020 conference.

    Judson Laipply is an enigma wrapped in an anomaly contained inside a quandary. Combining comedy and content, laughter and learning, energy and engagement Judson gives his audiences both instant joy and lasting impact. He’s been seen on the Today Show, Ellen, Oprah, GMA, and more.

    He is the world’s first YouTube Celebrity and his finale “The Evolution of Dance” has over a billion impressions. He’s been speaking and performing for over 15 years and has been all around the globe. He is also an Ironman Triathlete, terrible singer, and reformed Kool-Aid eater. 

    NCHRA Video from Judson Laipply on Vimeo.


    Our speaker lineup is complete, take a peek at who will be joining Judson at the 2020 Conference!